The Founder of CASPR, Christophe Suchy, founded CASPR to bring clean air to the masses. And over the years, he found and invented the best technology to clean the air you breathe. But Christophe invented the Uni (the Ductoad Flow) because of another problem. He travelled the world taking clean air devices worldwide and in his travels, he had problems…. breathing. He went to areas with plants, and pollen, and allergens, and pathogens, and all kinds of stuff that made him breathe uneasy.
So, Christophe developed a pendant he could travel with. He could wear it around his neck when he was in airports, he could attach it to the vent of his rental cars, he could wear it in big buildings with lots of people and he could wear it in meetings with other businesspeople…. and breathing became easier.

Perfectly simple and distinguish!
If you’re a customer – the right products and services for the way you work with the land. If you’re career-minded – here’s global opportunity perhaps in your own backyard. And, if you’re an investor – a solid investment prospect. Find us in:
- European Technology Innovation Center (Berlin)
- Intelligent Solutions Group (CA, USA)